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Top End Judo Academy

Judo on a permanently laid mat space based in Dripstone Middle School, training on Tuesday and Thursday nights with an International and Nationally qualified coach.

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About Us

Our Story

Welcome to Top End Judo Academy! With a combined 70+ years of judo knowledge our coaches and officials are able to apply this to training sessions, resulting in modern and professional programs suited to all ability levels. We pride ourselves on offering a safe, fun and positive training environment with our CAF and Internationally qualified coach. We currently have the use of a permanently laid out mat space based in Dripstone Middle School. At Top End Judo Academy our principles are based on the core values of Judo: Respect, Integrity, Sincerity, Courage, Honour and Friendship.

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Home: About

Why Judo?

Judo is a modern martial art, combat and Olympic sport that originated in Japan in 1882. Translated Judo means the “gentle way” as it uses an opponent’s own force in each technique. In its competitive form the object is to throw your opponent to the ground and immobilize or subdue your opponent with either a grappling maneuver or submission techniques such as a strangle or joint lock on the elbow. Each of these competitive aspects were originally taught as self-defense strategies.

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Why Choose Judo?

The Simple reason is because it’s fun!
Judo is the perfect sport for overall physical exercise for both genders and all ages. It involves cardiovascular workouts that drive towards improving not only your physical endurance but also your mental resilience. Judo entails: balance, flexibility, posture, co-ordination, reflex development as well as the afore mentioned general fitness aspects.
Judo is an ever evolving, modern and challenging sport that is rewarding and highly motivating, with so many pathways available for novice judoka (judo players) to veteran black belts, why not give it a go!

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Why is Judo Good For Kids?

Judo is a fantastic way for children to learn a form of self-defense whilst gaining self-confidence and exercising. Our belts and ranking system provide children with a way to track their progress and motivate them to reach higher. We strive for gender equality and respect for one’s own and others strengths, judo is not about brute force but about control and discipline. But most of all, Judo is good for kids because it is FUN!!

Get In Touch

We look forward to seeing you on the mat at Top End Judo Academy!



Tuesday & Thursday:


(5-9yrs) 6:00 - 6:45pm

(10-12yrs) 6:00 - 7:00pm

Intermediates & Seniors  (13+yrs):

7:00 - 8:30pm

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Contact Us

Your body. Your life. Your call. Get in touch with us today to book an appointment, start your membership, or ask any questions you may have.

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